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98 Little Horton Lane, Bradford, BD5 0JG

Tel/Fax: 01274 7240 585

Свештеник: Жарко Д. Недић

Priest in charge: The Very Reverend Žarko D. Nedić

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

We trust that you and your loved ones are doing well and keeping safe. You have been and continue to be kept in prayer during the past several months. We know that these have been challenging times for all of us and there are still difficult times ahead.

We are pleased to announce that we are open again for regular Sunday worship at 11.00am and we welcome you to join us.

Our Church will look and feel different, as we have to do things differently to conform with government Covid-19 regulations. Our small team of helpers will guide you through this. We would respectfully ask you to maintain social distancing and wear a face covering in Church. You may not be able to stand where you usually do and currently we are not allowed to gather in the Church Hall.

During this time of lockdown, we have been without our usual income from your weekly donations and payment of parish fees, which you would so faithfully and generously give when you attend our services and special celebrations throughout the year. A number of you have been in touch, concerned about the parish finances and asking how you can make contributions to help us pay the bills that are still coming in. This has been a big comfort and support to us.

Obviously, lockdown and furlough measures have brought ongoing financial uncertainty to many of you. It means that some of you are not in a position to make your contributions in the same way as before. That is quite understandable and we hope and pray that more secure times soon return for you and your families.

For those of you that are able to donate to your church and cannot attend in person, please do so via the Church Bank Account, where you can make one off donations or set up a regular standing order. This means that your donation to church would be sent automatically each month from your bank account to the church. We thank you for your consideration of this request.

We are very grateful to our regular donors who use this method and who generously continued to make their donations, even during the lockdown.

Details of forthcoming Christmas services will be posted on our Church website

You can also contact me on 07768582251 or 01274 724585 or email You may also contact our parish Chairman, Mr Jovan Prica on 079610901878 or for financial queries, our treasurer, Mrs Rada Mijailović, email:

In the meantime, stay safe and, in the midst of all these challenges, we remember God’s promise never to leave us or forsake us and how He will be with us even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28 verse 20)

With every blessing, Your intercessor before the Lord.

Very Revd. Žarko Nedić

Parish Priest in Bradford

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